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Update on captured young elephants

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Update on captured young elephants

Link to this post 15 Nov 06

Elephant calves 'need help' (South Africa)
Elise Tempelhoff, News 24

November 14, 2006

Durban - Interim legislation was urgently needed to stop elephant calves from being removed from herds for use in the safari and film industry and as working animals.

This was the opinion of a working committee, consisting of provincial conservation agencies across the country, as formulated in a document compiled by the KwaZulu-Natal department of agriculture and environmental affairs.

This working committee believed tourists should be informed about the "serious ethical and moral" issues regarding the capture and taming of these animals and called upon the national department of environmental affairs and tourism to immediately establish interim legislation on a national level to stop these "unethical practices".

According to the document, permits were still being issued (by provincial authorities who did not form part of the work-group) for the capture and sale of elephant calves. These elephant calves were broken-in and tamed for use in elephant safaris and the film industry.

The working committee proposed that Marthinus van Schalkwyk, minister of environmental affairs and tourism establish interim legislation until the department's norms and standards for elephant management had been finalised, as the lack of legislation created loopholes for the exploitation of these animals for financial gain.

The working committee proposed that the interim legislation should determine that no elephant calves be removed from herds and that the import of these animals, whether tame or wild, to South Africa be banned.

According to the document, people who supported elephant safaris were under the false impression that these animals were saved from culling.

The working committee believed that cruel methods were used to tame the elephants for these industries.

Mava Scott, spokesperson for the department of environmental affairs and tourism, said on Monday every province had its own legislation and could put in place a moratorium on the issuing of permits for the capture of elephants.

Provinces could also mutually "reprimand" each other.

Article at the following link:,,2-7-1442_2029998,00.html

Link to this post 15 Nov 06

Quote / copy "According to the document, people who supported elephant safaris were under the false impression that these animals were saved from culling."

What rubbish is this - any elephant removed from its herd especially the young will be completely lost and not know how to react. What the hell do these people think that they can take the small elephants, give them a name and make them a little pet? When culling takes place, and it is cruel, however when it is decided, they cull the whole herd because they know the small can get badly effected to be left without the elders.
They just try and talk themsleves down......

Correct me if I am wrong - but I do not think that is the answer to train them. How about leaving them where they belong?

Link to this post 16 Nov 06

Original von Nico
Quote / copy "According to the document, people who supported elephant safaris were under the false impression that these animals were saved from culling."

What rubbish is this - any elephant removed from its herd especially the young will be completely lost and not know how to react. What the hell do these people think that they can take the small elephants, give them a name and make them a little pet? When culling takes place, and it is cruel, however when it is decided, they cull the whole herd because they know the small can get badly effected to be left without the elders.
They just try and talk themsleves down......

Correct me if I am wrong - but I do not think that is the answer to train them. How about leaving them where they belong?


I agree completely. They should be left to enjoy their lives with their families.

You mentioned during most culls they now cull the whole herd. Did you know that the infrasonic calls of the elephants dying from culling were heard 90 MILES AWAY! Imagine how many non-family but traumatized elephants that would be in a park or reserve. No wonder people are starting to see elephants with post-traumatic stress.

Daphne Sheldrick tells of baby orphaned elephants whose mothers have died recently grieving for a long time before joining the other orphans. Imagine the grief the older elephants will go through after losing not only their whole family, but their whole way of life.

Humans that do this should have the same thing done to them and their families!