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Shame on southern African countries

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Shame on southern African countries

Link to this post 13 Nov 06

Outcry over capture of wild elephants (South Africa)
Mike Cadman, Independent Online
November 12 2006 at 01:47PM

During the capture operation in the 14 000 square kilometre Hwange National Park, game-capture specialists working for Victoria Falls-based tourism operator Shearwater Adventures isolated 12 elephants from family groups, darted the animals and removed them to holding bomas to be trained for use in captivity.

The capture flies in the face of the International Conservation Union (IUCN) and African Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG) recommendations that no wild elephants should be captured for use in captivity. The AfESG recommendation is endorsed by the South African-based Elephant Managers and Owners Association (Emoa) and increasing number of scientists, and local and international animal welfare groups, which say removing animals from family groups is psychologically damaging to both the captured animals and the wild herds and that training of elephants is inherently cruel.

Allen Roberts, the chief executive officer of Shearwater, said that the capture team involved was "highly respected" and while the capture was undertaken for commercial reasons it also helped relieve pressure on elephant populations in the park.

"Shearwater specifically targeted young elephants that were displaying evidence of deterioration and which we believed we could help resuscitate," Roberts said.

"Twelve animals have now been translocated to Victoria Falls. Sadly one elephant did not survive the translocation."

He said that the elephant-back safari in Zimbabwe, and one near Victoria Falls in Zambia, employed more than 200 people and brought about $2-million (about R15-million) to the regional economy.

Glynis Vaughan, the chief inspector of the Zimbabwe National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ZimNSPCA), said that her organisation was outraged by the capture of the elephants and would approach the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority to request that no further captures be permitted.

"What is happening to these animals is horrendous. We are definitely going to prosecute..

Jason Bell-Leask, the southern African director of the United States-based International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw), condemned both the capture of wild elephants and the use of the animals in the elephant-back safari industry.

"It is disgraceful and a shame that any country or organisation is prepared to sanction the abuses inherent in capturing wild elephants and subjecting them to lives in captivity," Bell-Leask said.

Elephant-back safaris are conducted by a number of operators in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia and Botswana.

At present no elephant culling is undertaken in any of these countries and young elephants are highly sought after by the industry.

The first elephant-back safaris in South Africa were started five years ago and about 100 elephants are used by the industry.

Elephant safari operators say that no cruelty is involved in training elephants and most use the "reward" system of training that entails offering the animals food when they obey commands.

Those opposed to the industry say that training elephants is cruel and that the huge animals also pose a danger to handlers and tourists alike.

In South Africa two handlers have been killed, at least two visitors have been injured and at least one elephant has been put down because its owners felt it was a danger to humans.

The training of elephants in South Africa is largely unregulated except for provisions of the Animal Cruelty Act and the Performing Animals Protection Act and the industry is coming under increasing scrutiny by conservation authorities. This month conservation officials from all provinces requested the department of environmental affairs and tourism to issue a directive prohibiting the capture of elephants for use in captivity.

The provincial authorities said that "the removal of wild elephants for captivity is of no/little value to conservation and carries significant risks. It is not considered a humane alternative to culling".

Leseho Sello, the chief director of Biodiversity and Culture at the environment department, said this week: "[The department] can't make an overriding decision on the matter; it is a provincial issue. The minister [Marthinus van Schalkwyk] is not in a legal position to take that action."

Article at the following link:

Link to this post 13 Nov 06

employment and revenue is engough reason for such a cruelty????!!!!
i cannot and won't ever understand why humans just look as far as their baseball caps reach! on one side humans decleare themselves as the "crown of all" but obviously in between the ears their is nothing but a big dollar figure!
when will we ever learn that we all are part of nature and not superior???

i don't and won't promote elephant back safaris..........even abu's in botswana has more than just to be questioned because it started with a tame elephant but where are all the others coming from???? where an offer is - there will be a demand!!! so just put your hands off elephant backs!

it's so sad.............and again it comes down to education

really sad start of a new week

Link to this post 13 Nov 06


I agree with you completely. It is a shame that they are exploiting the animals in this way.

Unfortunately it will probably increase until a tragedy happens (and it will one of this days, when someone is injured or killed either by the animal itself or in getting on/off the animal).
All this so people can go home and tell everyone they rode an elephant!

This, and culling, is another reason why I will never give one red cent to the southern African countries. It also gives me more reason to keep KWS and Kenyan authorities on their toes so the same things don't happen there.


Link to this post 13 Nov 06

dear jan
the followijng link should be interesting to you

this is one of the places to express your outrage and it will be noticed in southern africa! the more express themselves the better!

i am visiting several pro exhibitions on tourism in nov/dec/jan all over europe and there will be a bunch of exhibitors from sa. you can image the topic which i will put on top of the list!

let's never give up fighting for the animal's sake


Link to this post 13 Nov 06

A couple of years back I went to Sri Lanka and went to have a look at there Elephant rehab camp which is quite well known. They were looking after the young ones which had no adult females or mother to look after them - but I find it very hard to believe that they get "trained" without any harm or violence.....
Strange that each one of their so called care takers were walking around with a stick which looked more like a spear!!!

I agree on your comments -


Link to this post 14 Nov 06


Thanks so much for the link to the websiste. It's another I've saved under favorites (though not as favorite as bushdrums). It does have some interesting thoughts.


Thanks for your experience in Sri Lanka. It made me realize how prejudiced I've been all these years against Asian/Indian/zoo and circus elephant versus African elephants.
Part of the reason was they were most often seen handled by manhouts with bullhooks and had had their spirits broken. I also saw many programs of them "breaking" the baby elephants to make them do their will and it truly disheartened me. Very irrational of me to favor one over another.

All elephant have the same problem of lack of food, water and space and havng to deal with humans.

One of the forums on has been working against the elephant polo in India. It is amazing what we as humans do to wildlife isn't it? So very sad. Anything that will make a buck seems to be fair game with no thought to the animals.