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US Woman Kills Elephant for a Bet in Zimbabwe

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US Woman Kills Elephant for a Bet in Zimbabwe

Link to this post 11 May 09

US Woman Kills Elephant for a Bet in Zimbabwe
Posted to the web: 11/05/2009

FURIOUS Zimbabweans are using the internet to “vent disgust” after a sickening picture of an American hunter was published, showing her standing over an elephant she had just killed with a bow and arrow for a BET.

Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman, 39, said she found the animal in a group of 37 at some unidentified game reserve near Bulawayo, knelt and fired the arrow from 12 yards.

The elephant staggered 500 yards before collapsing – making her the first woman known to have killed an elephant with a bow and arrow.

Beaming with pride, the khaki-clad huntress returned in the morning to check the elephant was dead -- standing over her quarry and posing for pictures which she posted on the internet.

Groenewald-Hagerman used a powerful £450 PSE X Force bow – and trained for more than a year to build up the strength and skill to use it.

But the boast has appalled conservationists and Zimbabweans who have created a group on the social networking site Facebook to express their revulsion and demand more controls over hunting.

“Personally, I'd love to give her a taste of her own medicine. I'd love to shoot her in the back with a bow and arrow from 12 yards when she is around her loved ones and then let her stagger for 500 hundreds yards until she collapses and then leave her there overnight,” said Julie Greer on the group called Teressa Groenewald-Hagerman - The Texan Tosspot which has 210 members.

“Stalk her, skin her, salt her …,” said another angry poster.

“Which one is the animal?” asked another, adding: “I do apologise for calling this disgusting two legged thing an animal because it’s an insult to real animals.”

Conservationists said she had committed an act “not far short of murder” after her boast was picked up by British newspapers.

They said elephants lived as long as humans in tight-knit family groups and mourned their dead.

Will Travers, of the UK Born Free Foundation, said: “What kind of person would kill an elephant with a bow to win a bet? She needs therapy.

“I am no expert on bow hunting but I would have thought it extremely difficult to kill an elephant cleanly and without suffering with a bow and arrow.

“It is sickening but unfortunately there are people who are willing to do this.
“Elephants live in tight family units and we know through research that they show signs of being able to grieve. There are people who would say that this is not far short of murder.”

Groenewald-Hagerman, a blonde Texan “happily” divorced from a South African, told of her exploits on websites including Hunts of a Lifetime.

She wrote: “I have been a professional hunter for 10 years and in the hunting industry for 12 years. A man by the name of Larry bet me I couldn’t shoot a buffalo or elephant with a bow. He indicated only one or two women had completed the buffalo with a bow and no woman had ever taken an elephant with a bow. Of course, I couldn’t turn down the challenge.”

The bow she chose has a draw of up to 90lb – more than twice the weight pulled by female British Olympic archers.

She wrote: “I must say this was the hardest task I have ever taken on in my life. It took 14 months of training before I was physically capable of pulling the heavy bows.”

She said she spent eight days on the hunt in Zimbabwe before getting close enough to take a shot.

“It was shot near dark. We went back the next day and found him. I was in the middle of 37 elephants when I took my shot. This was my first bow kill and first woman to take an ele with a bow.”

She added: “It was at 12 yards kneeling.”

One admiring blogger called BO-N-ARO wrote: “12 yards!!! I bet they had a great blood trail because of the low entry!!

“That has to be one of the best examples of setting a goal and working hard to achieve it!”

Zimbabwe permits hunting at licensed game reserves – a major source of foreign currency for the cash-strapped government. Hunting is popular with foreign trophy hunters but due to international publicity surrounding elephants, the country has tried to improve its image by banning the hunting of females.


Article and photo at:

Link to this post 12 May 09

This is horrific. I agree with Will Travers.

I am outwardly opposed to hunting, of any form, and although I have sat down, open-mindedly, with those conservationists who argue the 'hunting for conservation' theory, animal welfare aspect aside, I am not convinced it's the effective countermeasure to poaching. 'Eco-tourism' is, by far, more sustainable, ethical, and economical for the local people.

In Kenya, there are a couple of the more lucrative conservation organisations, who actually receive a fair amount of their funding from hunting groups, without advertising that they do so. There is at least one who is lobbying to lift the hunting ban in Kenya.

Link to this post 12 May 09

The terms and conditions of Bushdrums Forum include a prohibition against using obscene speech. This prevents me from candidly describing what I think of this woman.
However, traveling half way around the world to shoot a magnificent, intelligent, caring being in the back and watching it suffer in agony for many hours amidst its horrified family and then grinning and gloating over it-- is the true definition of obscene.

Link to this post 12 May 09

Agree with you 100 per cent Kat. It is impossible to imagine the mentality of someone like this. If she wants so badly to kill something, she should volunteer at a death row facility in Texas! At least those people have been sentenced for a crime and deserve what they get - the elephant didn't deserve it.

I also wonder about the accuracy of the article. Kneeling 12 feet from 37 elephants!? Even if she was downwind, one of the elephants must have heard or seen her moving in. Or was she hidden in a blind?

Though I am not usually a violent person, I must admit I have to agree with some of the Zimbabwean comments. In addition, her family would probably have been very quick to sue if those 37 elephants charged and killed her.

Very sad story.

Link to this post 13 May 09

Yes Jan, I think to get so close she probably was in a controlled environment--something like in a "canned hunting" situation with barriers and guns protecting her in case things got out of hand. Shooting arrows into large animals is one of the least humane ways of killing as it often ends in a very slow this poor creature had to endure.

I've seen deer during hunting season in New York State walking around with arrows sticking out of their necks....a very slow and painful end. The method was banned because of public outrage - in my region anyway.

I think only the corrupt, failed state of Zimbabwe had bow and arrow hunting of elephants. Other hunting countries have banned this despicable practice.

My solution: I propose hunters hunting other hunters....their lust would be sated and their numbers reduced.
Two problems solved!

Link to this post 13 May 09

I am falling short in terms to describe what I am feeling here.

Kat, hunting with bow and arrow is still allowed also in South Africa and Namibia as well.
But these countries also have a reputation of allowing other cruelty against animals.

It's sad that the outcry is of such a tiny magnitude because of laziess and ignorance as well because of the huge hunting industry which feeds tzese corrupt politicians who tehrefore are reluctant to aboloish trophy hunting.

You are here Bush-Talk Forum Edit my Forum Profile Forums General Information Wildlife Topics US Woman Kills Elephant for a Bet in Zimbabwe