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When not on Safari!

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When not on Safari!

Link to this post 10 Mar 09

When not on safari there's plenty Safari-ing to do at home!

[URL=]Kippers home Safari![/URL]

Link to this post 11 Mar 09

Great - how long did you leave the camera on for?
Must have taken you quite some time to edit it and the back ground music; tops.
Thanks for that.

If I had an IR camera - would be fun do do that here as well as we have quite a lot of wildlife.

Link to this post 12 Mar 09

The camera is Auto trigger with a PIR detector, being at the lower end of the price range it is slow to trigger, I'd love a Reconyx but above the pocket money Lady Kipper allows me! Any Fairy God Mothers out there?
Another problem is that sometimes the camera fires away at will, leaving me 2000 photo's or a card full of video to search through.

OK! Here is the second part of my home safari!

[URL=]Kippers Home Safari 2[/URL]

I know to a lot of people boar are not rare but here in England ........ Most people do not even realize that they are there!
Not sure when the last "True" Wild boar was killed but it must have been a few hundred years ago.
The boar we have in the area are from a farm where during the storm of '87 some fallen trees breached the fences allowing some to escape into the country side where they have thrived & bred!

Anyway sorry to be a BORE!

Link to this post 13 Mar 09

Thanks - our boars are more brown with long hair. We have quite a few of them here and they breed very well. Not a uncommon sight here.
This one you have shown looks more like a cross between a boar and black pig. Is this possible.
The original boars we had in our area where around 60 kilos I believe (please do not quote me on this if you do a websearch) but they have interbreeded with farm pigs and they now reach the size of around 200 kilos.

Link to this post 16 Mar 09

The home safari continues

[URL=]UK Wildlife safari (one)[/URL]

[URL=]UK Wildlife safari (two)[/URL]

Nico, she is a hybrid. if you look at her she is very domestic pig looking.

Link to this post 16 Mar 09

In the back ground of film 1 I thought it was the laughing hayena....
I want one of those cameras as well...!

Looking at the second film - you can really see whay you mean Kipper - good film of her complete side, size of her neck and body.