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Whales Need You More Than Ever

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Whales Need You More Than Ever

Link to this post 12 Sep 08

International Fund for Animal Welfare | September 11, 2008 A Better World for Animals and People

The whales need you more than ever…please act now to keep whales protected

Help keep whale protection

We’ve learned about a secret meeting that could mean the end of years of whale protection.

From September 15-19, a group of member countries from the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will meet in St Petersburg, Florida to consider lifting the ban on commercial whaling.


The IWC is threatening decades of whale protection by holding this secret meeting.

Please take these 2 simple actions now to stop this from happening:

Tell Secretary of Commerce, Carlos M. Gutierrez, to keep whale protection
a public issue
Spread the word to family and friends about this new threat facing whales
I don’t need to tell you how high the stakes are for whales – you know the pain a whale endures as it is hunted… pursued to the point of exhaustion…shot by an exploding harpoon…and finally killed and dragged onto the deck of a whaling ship. You know that whale populations are just now starting to show signs of recovery, and this meeting could undermine all that has been accomplished for whales.

Yes, you know -- and you have spoken up before for those who can’t speak for themselves. So I know I can count on you to stand up for animals again by speaking out against this new threat to whales.

The IWC has their secret meeting…but the whales have a secret weapon of their own: YOU.

Please help IFAW ensure whale protection remains a public issue!

Thank you,

Fred O'Regan
President and CEO

p.s. The IWC is going forward with this meeting even though the secret is out. Please act now to keep whales protected, and pass this on to your friends and family.

*** Please go to the IFAW website, click on the article and send a letter to Mr. Gutierrez to continue
to protect the whales ***

You are here Forums General Information International Wildlife Topics Whales Need You More Than Ever