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Dr. Sheldrick's response on CITES decision regarding China

You are here: Forums General Information International Wildlife Topics Dr. Sheldrick's response on CITES decision regarding China

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Dr. Sheldrick's response on CITES decision regarding China

Link to this post 22 Jul 08

Response from Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick DBE MBE MBS DVMS over the CITES Secretariat decision to sanction China as a legal Buyer of the African Ivory Stockpiles. - 7/21/2008

That the CITES Secretariat has not only endorsed the sale of the Southern African stockpiles (which will simply fuel illegal poaching) but has gone even further and now sanctioned China as an importer of those legal stockpiles has outraged and disgusted the conservation world and all caring people throughout the world. This CITES Secretariat vote simply goes to prove that The International Convention for TRADE in Endangered Species is all about TRADE and has little to do with the endangered species it is supposed to safeguard. That China poses an ever growing threat to endangered species cannot be disputed. That China is responsible for making those species endangered cannot be disputed. That even Britain voted in favour of endorsing China as a legal importer of the stockpiles, knowing that it poses the greatest threat to elephants everywhere is shocking. Gordon Brown has the blood of hundreds of elephants on his hands, and by this deed has succeeded in winning the ire of the British people, most of whom care about elephants, and care deeply.

In recent times Chinese ivory traffickers have even been arrested at Kenya’s Jomo Kenyatta Airport trying to smuggle out elephant ivory, one such bust on the 16th July.. The buyers of illegal ivory are now on our doorstep, and coming in ever growing numbers, even carving ivory in Central Africa where elephants are facing extinction, swapping ivory for guns in Zimbabwe, fuelling the slaughter of elephants throughout Africa, prompting the Southern Africans to replace their ivory stockpile which is about to be sold through another unnecessary “culling” exercise.

We now know that elephants are virtually “human” animals. They have exactly the same sense of family and death as us humans, they have memories that are far superior to ours, (something that has now been scientifically proven) they have a brain more sophisticated than ours in many respects, capable of hearing infrasound, capable of telepathic communication and capable of mysterious perception we will never be able to fathom. They have all the best traits of humans and few of the bad, enormous compassion and caring that can provide an example for humans. They should be protected and nurtured for the wonderful beings they are, rather than used as pawns in a game of trade and greed. They are vital to the economies of many of the poorest African States, amongst which those of Southern Africa, (save Zimbabwe, of their own making) cannot be numbered, yet those rich States are given preferential treatment by CITES who chooses to ignore the voice of those who have suffered the loss of their elephants most.

The conservation world is astounded, disgusted, baffled and outraged that the CITES Secretariat has ignored data from their own personnel within TRAFFIC which specializes on illegal trade in wildlife, has ignored the plea of Africa’s poorest countries, has ignored the advice of The Elephant Trade and Information System (IT IS) and MIKE (the Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants Programme) all of whom also conclude that China has been flouting the CITES regulations and is the single largest threat to elephants.

The only hope now for the elephants is that the Standing Committee comprised of delegates from the DR Congo, Mali, Zambia, Kenya, China!!, Japan, Iran, Chile, Costa Rica, St. Vincent, Bulgaria, UK, Iceland, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Netherlands and Quatar will reject the Secretariat’s decision. Is it not ironic that countries that have no wild elephants whatsoever, and who are only interested in trade should even have a say on that Standing Committee? Is that not simply proof yet again that CITES is an expensive farce that is time expired, and should be disbanded so that the money they waste on useless decisions that do nothing to protect endangered species could be put to better use.

Response from Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick DBE MBE MBS DVMS over the CITES Secretariat decision to sanction China as a legal Buyer of the African Ivory Stockpiles. - 7/21/2008 (Print This Page)

That the CITES Secretariat has not only endorsed the sale of the Southern African stockpiles (which will simply fuel illegal poaching) but has gone even further and now sanctioned China as an importer of those legal stockpiles has outraged and disgusted the conservation world and all caring people throughout the world. This CITES Secretariat vote simply goes to prove that The International Convention for TRADE in Endangered Species is all about TRADE and has little to do with the endangered species it is supposed to safeguard. That China poses an ever growing threat to endangered species cannot be disputed. That China is responsible for making those species endangered cannot be disputed. That even Britain voted in favour of endorsing China as a legal importer of the stockpiles, knowing that it poses the greatest threat to elephants everywhere is shocking. Gordon Brown has the blood of hundreds of elephants on his hands, and by this deed has succeeded in winning the ire of the British people, most of whom care about elephants, and care deeply.

In recent times Chinese ivory traffickers have even been arrested at Kenya’s Jomo Kenyatta Airport trying to smuggle out elephant ivory, one such bust on the 16th July.. The buyers of illegal ivory are now on our doorstep, and coming in ever growing numbers, even carving ivory in Central Africa where elephants are facing extinction, swapping ivory for guns in Zimbabwe, fuelling the slaughter of elephants throughout Africa, prompting the Southern Africans to replace their ivory stockpile which is about to be sold through another unnecessary “culling” exercise.

We now know that elephants are virtually “human” animals. They have exactly the same sense of family and death as us humans, they have memories that are far superior to ours, (something that has now been scientifically proven) they have a brain more sophisticated than ours in many respects, capable of hearing infrasound, capable of telepathic communication and capable of mysterious perception we will never be able to fathom. They have all the best traits of humans and few of the bad, enormous compassion and caring that can provide an example for humans. They should be protected and nurtured for the wonderful beings they are, rather than used as pawns in a game of trade and greed. They are vital to the economies of many of the poorest African States, amongst which those of Southern Africa, (save Zimbabwe, of their own making) cannot be numbered, yet those rich States are given preferential treatment by CITES who chooses to ignore the voice of those who have suffered the loss of their elephants most.

The conservation world is astounded, disgusted, baffled and outraged that the CITES Secretariat has ignored data from their own personnel within TRAFFIC which specializes on illegal trade in wildlife, has ignored the plea of Africa’s poorest countries, has ignored the advice of The Elephant Trade and Information System (IT IS) and MIKE (the Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants Programme) all of whom also conclude that China has been flouting the CITES regulations and is the single largest threat to elephants.

The only hope now for the elephants is that the Standing Committee comprised of delegates from the DR Congo, Mali, Zambia, Kenya, China!!, Japan, Iran, Chile, Costa Rica, St. Vincent, Bulgaria, UK, Iceland, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Netherlands and Quatar will reject the Secretariat’s decision. Is it not ironic that countries that have no wild elephants whatsoever, and who are only interested in trade should even have a say on that Standing Committee? Is that not simply proof yet again that CITES is an expensive farce that is time expired, and should be disbanded so that the money they waste on useless decisions that do nothing to protect endangered species could be put to better use.

Link to this post 24 Jul 08

I wish D. Sheldrick was wrong, but instead I fear she is absolutely right

Link to this post 24 Jul 08

I wonder what would happen if all the African & Asian countries who are losing their elephants due to poaching would withdraw from CITES?

What would the positive and negative effects be? Perhaps Nico has some ideas on that score. My guess is that it might cause poaching to escalate even more because there would be no countries that care watching what they do, (i.e. Kenya getting the 9 year ban on sale of ivory).

It is obvious that CITES doesn't give a damn about wildlife. Dr. Sheldrick is absolutely right on that score.
Trade is the only thing important to them. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. One can only hope that when their time comes, they will rot in hell for the misery they have caused to wildlife.

Link to this post 28 Jul 08

Unfortunately it is always down to income & profits no matter what the score. Those involved most of the time are un educated and have no money; which means they are forced to poach and those that purchase the ivory are greedy for money and do not give a damn about who dies, what dies and when they die.
At least there is some "control" but this is only because there are some organistaions that insist on the matter.

Very sad -

Link to this post 17 Aug 08

i don't consider cities an honest organisation!
too much money involved and i could bet there is corruption within this orga - right to the top or right AT the top!
it's disgusting!

and amazingly - south africa decided on elephant culling as a "last resort" just when cities made the trade decision......hmmm...............that stinks to the sky!

You are here Forums General Information International Wildlife Topics Dr. Sheldrick's response on CITES decision regarding China