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A Donkey's Suicide

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A Donkey's Suicide

Link to this post 27 Mar 08

A Donkey's Suicide

The Times of India
23 Mar 2008
Priyanko Sarkar,TNN

It\'s a perplexing thought. That only intelligent life can have the ability to end itself. It\'s an idea, though, that we all instinctively accept. Yet, a few weeks ago, journalist Manu Pubby reported that Indian soldiers who are part of the UN peace-keeping force in Sudan, are grappling with the problem of overworked donkeys choosing to end their miserable lives. \"A donkey (still tethered to the water cart that it was pulling), ran towards the Nile. As he approached the banks, he plunged into the river and moved towards the current. And the strong current of the mighty river swept it to a watery grave,\" reported Major Shambhu Saran Singh. Another donkey there preferred to be beaten to death by its master than continue with its wretched life. In fact, doctors in Sudan have advised that the cure for suicidal donkeys is human kindness, rest and a grain diet.

While this phenomenon is disturbing and makes us wonder how we can be so cruel as to make donkeys end their own lives, not everybody believes that animals are capable of suicide. \"It\'s a load of bull. I know enough about animals to say that they cannot commit suicide,\" says Bittu Sehgal, editor of Sanctuary magazine. Shirin Merchant, a behaviour counsellor and canine trainer for the past thirteen years says, \"I have seen dogs with obsessive compulsive disorders and dogs who go into depression but have never encountered a suicide case.\" Isaac Kehimkar of Bombay Natural History Society insists that suicide is a human concept.

Dr V N Appaji Rao, Vice-Chairman, Animal Welfare Board of India, says animals do not have the ability to store memory of events to derive the judgement that their lives suck. He presents an interesting evidence—our literary past. \"There is no evidence in literature regarding animal suicide,\" he says.

The founder president of People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Ingrid Newkirk, responded to an email questionnaire by saying, vaguely, \"What we know is that Jacques Cousteau talked of captive dolphins deliberately killing themselves in aquarium tanks by ramming their heads at speed into the walls.\"

Our traditional view of animals is changing fast. It is widely accepted today that animals love, hate, get hurt, and even exhibit some sort of personality traits. But it is not clear if they will choose to kill themselves. Jigeesha Thakore, secretary of the All India Animal Welfare Association, says that she has thought about the issue very deeply. She has observed old dogs leaving their known territory and going to a secluded place when they near their end. But does this signify a certain awareness of life and death? Probably such dogs merely follow their primal instincts to seek out the safety of isolation when they are too weak to survive in the open. That they will eventually die is a fact they are unaware of.

But there are dog lovers who are full of disturbing stories. Abodh Aras, CEO of Welfare for Stray Dogs, an NGO, says, \"I know of perfectly healthy dogs who stopped eating for over a week after they were abandoned, and were later found dead. Like human beings, animals also get separation anxiety.\" Dr Jagdishchandra Punetha, director of World Wildlife Fund in Maharashtra, says, \"Animals have suicidal tendencies. They have emotions and are capable of being depressed. Animals are closer to nature and sudden changes can make them kill themselves. I come from Himachal Pradesh and ponies are a popular mode of transport there. Sometimes if owners ill-treat them, they just stare with their sad eyes, sit down and die. They cannot communicate but they understand our facial expressions.\"

Dr Umesh Karkare, founder member of the Pet Practitioners Association of Mumbai and whose clinic treats canines of Mumbai\'s rich, says, \"Whales know what they\'re doing when they beach themselves. So suicide is a possibility. I have heard that Chhatrapati Shivaji\'s dog had jumped into the funeral pyre when (the remains of) Shivaji was being burned.\"

Every observation of those who believe animals can be driven to suicide can be countered by science. There is a difference between fatal actions and the knowledge that a set of actions will lead to death. It is not clear, at the moment, if animals are aware of the concept of death. But then it is also not clear why a donkey in Sudan will fling itself, with the cart it is tethered to, into the turbulence of the Nile.

Link to this post 28 Mar 08

If an animal has no concept of death then why does it flee from a predator?

I remember a documentary of Eskimo life showing that once a sled dog was of no longer use it was shot.
The film showed a dog being led away to be shot & the dog showed all displays of submissiveness. I'm sure in some way it had an understanding of the situation.

Link to this post 29 Mar 08


I believe many species have an understanding of death. I also believe some species such as elephants have very long term memories (i.e. elephants in times of drought finding their way to water where they haven't been for 20 years).

If one wants to take it a step farther, does it then mean that all the zebra and wildebeest who jump into crocodile infested waters are commiting suicide? I don't believe so. It is their hunger for new green grass on the other side of the river that drives them.

My first thought when I read the above article was, is it possible that the donkey could have been bitten by a snake and took off in fear or panic? Then it wouldn't have been suicide anyway.

Interesting to think about though. I've seen programs so often on Animal Planet of miserably abused animals but they haven't resorted to suicide. Thus I am a little leary of the article but felt it should be posted anyway for others to think about.

Link to this post 29 Mar 08

I don't think animals have rational thought of suicide, "I will end my life"
I'm sure they have an awareness of death.

Kath & I share our home with two dogs. We once shared it with the most wonderful dog, "Jess" a Golden Retriever.
She was her own master, never had to train her she instinctively knew the limits, was never lovey-dovey.

We found a small lump in her side, while in the waiting room at the vets she went to each dog & muzzled them, she sat cuddled up close to me, something she had never done her entire life. I commented on it at the time to others in the waiting room.

It was the last time I was to see her alive.

Link to this post 29 Mar 08

Kipper - I went through a similar episode 2 months ago with my dog - a Boxer.
She had a lump 2 years ago; we operated twice and in September we were back to square one. Full therapy which knocked her down however she then managed to live for another few months. Maybe it was the wromg choice but we wanted to try our best to save her. When we went to the vet; she knew it was over and resigned... she was not sleeping anymore, not eating and know that her last trip to the vet was her last trip. A tough one.

Since 1 week we have a new little boxer; This one is completely white... ? A white boxer you ask..?? Yes there are not many around as the white ones are selected by breaders and killed as they are white and not wanted!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it. Because they sometimes get effected by the sun and have had the odd hering problems - so they say! Bull sh... if you ask me.
So - naturally we took the white one and he is a real beauty; blue eyes, really powerful and I have already had to lift all the curtains in my home as little Caio has decided to wage war on my curtains, carpets, shoes and kids toys.

Link to this post 29 Mar 08

Friends had a blue eyed, white, totally deaf boxer!.......He knew his sign language though!