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Disgruntled tourists et al.

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Disgruntled tourists et al.

Link to this post 25 Dec 07


Coastweek - - I have just returned from a wonderful vacation abroad, where I enjoyed traveling on blissful roads, in another third world country.

Power was never a problem, water was plentiful and security was never an issue.

We walked everywhere at night and were never con-fronted. When is the last time you did that in Kenya ?

Unfortunately the smile has been ripped off my face and I have come back to earth with a sickening thud.

Unsurprisingly, I have become dejected, disconsolate, crest fallen and down in the mouth upon my return.

Do you have any idea why ?

Because not even one single pothole has been attended to in Diani.

What happened to repairing the roads slightly for the high season ?

Do we have to wait for a new government to get anything done ?

Does all progress in Kenya cease until December 27th's result ?

Is development paralyzed ?

Are we totally voiceless ?

Are we not represented ?

Do we not exist ? Is South Coast not beneficial to the tourism industry ?

How can we accept this ? Why do we accept this ?

Never before have I felt so unwanted ... so discarded, professionally.

All issues need to be faced, addressed, and taken care of.

The only way to go about this is by creating a strategy and tackling issues in an organized manner.

How are we going to tackle the security issue, sickening roads, water scarcity, power failures and beach boy menace if we don't get a game plan into action ?

Is this happening ?

As an active member and a loyal citizen, I demand some action taken.

I demand a response.

Our peak tourist season is one week away, yet we have received no progress.

And please do not insult our intelligence by saying the Likoni-Ukunda road's resurfacing is good enough.

Which candidate do I have to vote for to get anything done ?

Yes things take time to get done, but how long ?

Once in every five years ?

We will never be considered serious players and contenders worldwide until progress occurs.

It is time to stop fooling ourselves. Travel the world and see how well other nations are progressing. You will be shocked.

Ronnie Bhasin, General Manager,
Pinewood Village Beach Resort, Ukunda.

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