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we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)

You are here: Forums General Information Political Topics we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)

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we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)

Link to this post 13 Jul 07

you guys are just fooling us!!!
it's amazing - 10 hours on a plane: no problem at all! but as soon as "they" are going to switch on the lights and start serving breakfast.....i almost cannot wait to touch down and go outside the arrival terminal and have a cigarette. and you know what: i get a bit of dousy (i don't know whether this is the right term; fingers get kribbeling, my head starts feeling like an anthill....somehow strange! but after 3 or 4 inhalings (suckings ? is that the right term) again start loving and enjoying it!!!!
have you ever tried SAFARI? great stuff! much better than "SPORTSMAN" (by the way "sportman" is just going over the top as far as a cigarette brand is concerned ) almost just tobacco! i look forward to receiving them - our taxidriver buys them in advance for me
i don't cough, i love smoking a cigarette once in a while - not mor than 12 a day - and especially after a nice meal i have to have it!
and - i don't excuse myself for just smoking! we are not junkies despite they are trying to make us feel as one

Link to this post 14 Jul 07

Speak for yourself Pippa I am unfortunately a tobacco junkie. :T After 50 years on Kool cigarettes I know they will get me eventually. You are lucky you stay at 12 a day. I do 25- 35 a day. I've tried all the pills and patches and still smoke (extra bad for hearts). Plus remember I work for pathologists, biopsies and autopsies. Many people who stopped smoking 20 - 30 years ago still die of lung cancer - damage was already done.

Did you read in the paper several weeks ago that the only place you can smoke in Nakuru is the public toilets!!

I don't for one minute believe the bull about second hand smoke. I've known too many people who lived with many smokers and no-one developed a problem (my mother lived with four smokers all her life and lived to 94 years).

If someone wanted to make a bundle, they would find a deserted island somewhere, establish a smoking only place and they would do well.

Anyway, if Kenya has no place for me as a smoker, I'll have to find another country in which to enjoy myself from now on.

Link to this post 14 Jul 07

Quote from Nico "Do cigars count....?"

Yes!....But you have to creep up on them quietly to hear them as they lay in their little box!

And Pippa

Sorgen Sie nicht sich um Ihre englische Terminologie..., das sie weit ist, weit besser als mein Deutscher!

Link to this post 14 Jul 07

cigars are not cigarettes, so they don´t count - I think

I was waiting for a delayed flight in a terminal in germany once and asked the security guy if there was any place I could smoke. He said, unfortunately not, but if I stood in the doorway it should be fine as the smoke will not bother the others.

I lit up my cigar and within seconds the guy turned around and said: Oh, a cigar ! No, this is too much!!
This is discrimination!! Only because the cigar is a bit fatter than the average cigarette everyone rejects it !!

The way for fresh air to get to the lungs should be tarmaced for quicker access

Link to this post 14 Jul 07

:T Und verbessern Sie als mein Englisch! :T

Link to this post 14 Jul 07

Original von Carsten
cigars are not cigarettes, so they don´t count - I think

I was waiting for a delayed flight in a terminal in germany once and asked the security guy if there was any place I could smoke. He said, unfortunately not, but if I stood in the doorway it should be fine as the smoke will not bother the others.

I lit up my cigar and within seconds the guy turned around and said: Oh, a cigar ! No, this is too much!!
This is discrimination!! Only because the cigar is a bit fatter than the average cigarette everyone rejects it !!

The way for fresh air to get to the lungs should be tarmaced for quicker access

hallo kipper,
bitte sprich auch im Deutschen in der mehr persönlichen Du-Form - wie im Englischen
Dein Deutsch ist Klasse!

hello kipper,
please use the "you" term in german as you do in englisch = means DU and NOT SIE!!!
your german is excellent!

You are here Forums General Information Political Topics we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)