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we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)

You are here: Forums General Information Political Topics we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)

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we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)

Link to this post 15 Jul 07

thanks carsten! that's what i meant!
kipper - babel fish seems to be good! but it's an effort i guess to get a letter done using babel

keep well!

Link to this post 16 Jul 07

Special zones too far between, say smokers

Story by NATION Reporter
Publication Date: 7/16/2007

Smokers in Nairobi walked long distances to light up in designated areas.

The zones were identified on Friday following the gazettement of new rules banning the habit in public places. They had to puff next to the smoking zone signpost for fear of arrest as the area has not been clearly demarcated.

Mr Charles Irungu who started smoking 1961, walked from Kenyatta National Hospital where he had gone to visit a sick relative to Uhuru Park, the only puffing zone nearby.

He had another problem: He had to conceal his packet for fear of arrest as it was packed in a plastic bag that is also banned in Nairobi.

Mr Irungu said smokers had to look over their shoulders all the time as they were not too sure whether even the smoking zones were a trap since they lacked litter bins.

“We are living like antelopes whereby you are not too sure what happens next since you never know you might be arrested for dropping the filters”, he said.

Far between

He wants the city council to designate more zones, saying those in place were far between.

Another smoker, Abinayo Gisambo trekked from the Aga Khan walk to the open space in front of the General Post Office on Koinange street to smoke. He welcomed designation of smoking areas but asked the city council to increase the number.

While inaugurating the zones, Nairobi mayor Dick Wathika said the city council will partner with the cigarette manufacturers to put up shelters in the smoking areas.

Local Government minister Musikari Kombo warned those who cannot pay the Sh2,000 fine not to smoke in the city.

Link to this post 16 Jul 07

To all Bushdrummers - when using on Bushdrums - please do not smoke - ahahaha -

Carsten, put that cigar off - Pippa, Jan - sorry - please, Bushdrums is a no smoking zone -

Actually I am pulling your legs as I enjoy the odd cigar and cigarette as well for some crazy reason after a good dinner with a couple of drinks! I am not a smoker but in the evening a good smoke after food and Vino - closes a perfect meal!

Anyone agree?

Link to this post 17 Jul 07

I agree that a smoke can be good after a good meal, good sex, a job well done, a job poorly done and you're under stress and many other occasions. A huge crutch which didn't take long to learn to use - but it most difficult to throw away. Now I'll end up being arrested for two things in Nairobi!

Link to this post 17 Jul 07

My dad died of a heart attack when i was far too young to appreciate the man he was - smoking 2 packs a day didn't help! that is all the reason i needed to have never smoked a cigarette in my life. I've tried cigars on a couple of occasions but other than the very fine and thus very expensive ones, they all leave you with a headache and dry palate the next day. So what's the point I say.

Passive smoking never really bothered me in earlier years but as I grew it offended me more and more. I now get irritated by someone smoking next to me so I move off if i can. I don't really care if someone smokes or not - its their business and life. However, for those of you smokers who keep accusing us non-smokers of "discrimination" etc, have you ever sat on the other side of the fence and looked at it from our perspective? Maybe by smoking you are "discriminating" against us

I've always wondered why there were "No smoking zones" instead of "smoking zones"! I'm sure we are the majority here...

Link to this post 17 Jul 07

Agree with you 100%. There need to be special areas where one can go to enjoy their habit. However, these are becoming fewer and fewer. If smoke is indeed as bad as people think, then the governments should have the guts to outlaw it. However, they will never do this because they make a fortune from it. Here in the US a pack of cigarettes now goes for $5.00 - $8.00! The federal government gets their share, state government taxes them also. If they are truly serious about the danger - then ban tobacco altogether! That would force all us junkies to quit if we couldn't easily obtain the tobacco products.

You are here Forums General Information Political Topics we will move with speed to enforce the ban (on smoking...)