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NGO - 4800 Organisations

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NGO - 4800 Organisations

Link to this post 27 Jun 07

By Amos Kareithi - Standard News Paper - Kenya

Ten local and international NGOs have donated 10,000 radio receivers to public primary schools.

The radios, manufactured in the United Kingdom, are powered by solar energy and are to assist pupils in areas without electricity.

Receiving the sets, Education Assistant minister, Mrs Beth Mugo, said they would supplement the efforts of teachers.

"The Government, through Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, English service, transmits educational programmes to schools. The value of the free play radio cannot be over-emphasised," she said.

Safaricom, Unilever, Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health, Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation, and BBC World Service Trust have sponsored the Free Play Radio.

Others are United Nations High Commission for Refugees, African Health and Development International, Korogocho based Koch FM and Save the Elephants.

The radio sets will be distributed in Bondo, Kisumu, Homa Bay, Machakos, Embu Kilifi, Tharaka and Kwale.

The launch of the free radio sets coincided with the NGO week, which brought together 4,800 organisations in Kenya.


I wonder how much use of having all these people together will actually be positive..??
4800 flights, cars, food & Bev. - hotel accommodation etc etc - No comment

Link to this post 27 Jun 07

Doh, doh, 4800 NGO's

Soon there will be more NGO's than elephants

It prooves once more that NGO's don't cooperate because they all believe in their own projects and can not find a common denominator. Sad how much money is wasted on 4800 administrations, marketing, individual research, cars, etc. etc. plus the damage done to wildlife and environment as you mentioned through flights and travel.

Link to this post 28 Jun 07

Stupid question. Do all these schools have electric power or are they all going to have to continuously buy batteries to power the units?

Link to this post 28 Jun 07

Stupid question
They are solar powered radios as the article describes

Link to this post 28 Jun 07

:T Thanks bwanamich. I missed that :T

Link to this post 14 Jul 07


Another stupid question. Even with solar powered, doesn't one have to have some type of back up power (for during the rainy season for instance)?

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