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Eritrea bans female circumcision

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Eritrea bans female circumcision

Link to this post 08 Apr 07

Eritrea bans female circumcision

April 05 2007 at 01:14PM

Asmara - Eritrea has banned female circumcision, a life-threatening tradition that aid groups say afflicts about 90 percent of the country's women.

A brief statement posted on a government website on Thursday said anyone who requests, takes part in or promotes the practice faces a fine or jail sentence.

"Female circumcision is a procedure that seriously endangers the health of women, causes them considerable pain and suffering besides threatening their lives," it said.

"Whosoever requests, incites or promotes female circumcision ... shall be punishable with a fine and imprisonment." The ban took effect on March 31, it said, but gave no other details.

Click here!

Female circumcision, also called female genital mutilation (FGM), is widespread in the Horn of Africa and involves cutting off the clitoris and other parts of the female genitalia.

There are degrees of severity and many practitioners are untrained and use crude instruments.

Up to 140 million women and girls worldwide are estimated to have suffered FGM, and United Nations agencies estimate that another three million a year are subjected to the practice.

Link to this post 09 Apr 07


It will be interesting to see if Eritrea is any better at following through with its threats to jail people committing these acts than other African countries. Despite it being banned in Kenya, it is still very common. The people just don't realize how much this custom can physically and emotionally scar the victims - even aside from transmission of AIDS during the procedure. Also, supposedly from what I've learned, African men "do not want" an uncircumcised wife. Thus pressure continues to be put upon these young girls to have it done.

As you've said before, only EDUCATION of everyone, not just females, will help eradicate this practice.

You are here Forums General Information Political Topics Eritrea bans female circumcision