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For the Love of Wildlife

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For the Love of Wildlife

Link to this post 27 Apr 11

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to share this with you.
luv Bev

We recently republished our book “For the Love of Wildlife” in eBook/Kindle format and it is now available at a discounted price of $2.99 on Amazon .
Attached below is the review from Colin Seddon, a wildlife rescue expert in UK, which was published by BBC Wildlife Magazine.
Our purpose in republishing the book electronically is to raise funds to support our non-profit, Campaign against Canned Hunting (CACH).
We would be very grateful if you could assist us by forwarding this to all of your members and contacts, asking them to:
1. support the Campaign by checking out the book’s website,, and buying the book.
2. spread the word through their own social networks to encourage their family and friends to do the same.
Any help that you can give us will go straight to the cause of animal welfare and you know how badly this is needed in South Africa.
We’d be delighted to offer a note of thanks and a link to your site on in return.
Chris Mercer & Bev Pervan
Campaign Against Canned Hunting (CACH)
Registered non-profit NGO – PBO930030402
“For the Love of Wildlife”
2007 Marchig International Trust Award for service to animal welfare

BBC Wildlife magazine Review of the book For The Love of Wildlife
This book relates the working history of the Harnas Lion Farm in Namibia and the personal history of its founder, Marieta van der Merwe and her family. The book is characterised by an authenticity apparent to anyone who has worked in animal rescue centres – especially those continually struggling for funding. The authors – themselves founders and managers of a wildlife rehab centre in the Kalahari – make no attempt to paint a rosy picture of wildlife rehabilitation, detailing mistakes made, organisational short comings, the value of volunteers and the chaotic nature of sanctuary life.
Dotted throughout is information about animal behaviour, the nature of the Kalahari desert and the appalling lack of rights afforded to wild animals in Southern Africa. This absorbing book is at times moving, depressing, amusing, informative and uplifting.
Working with wildlife is not all fun, it makes clear, but if you want to know how it really is – warts and all – then this is the book for you.
Colin Seddon
Wildlife rescue expert

Link to this post 27 Apr 11

I have had this book for several years now (recommended to me by Pippa/Irma). It is a book well worth purchasing for those who love African wildlife. Chris and Bev did a superb job writing the story.

I truly enjoyed seeing the youtube video of the bat eared fox and the cat together. Thanks for the link Chris. I think most of us know that most species will live peacefully together (except for perhaps the carnivores) and it is always wonderful seeing it happen.

I hope you and Bev will be able to join us here on Bushdrums whenever you can. We can all learn an awful lot from your experiences.

Link to this post 28 Apr 11

Thanks for your kind words about our book. We think that electronic publishing is the way to go. It reduces the value of a book to the true market value, free from printing, storing, transporting, distributing, wholesaling, retail costs.
We love our Kindle and prefer it to a book. You can enlarge the font, listen to it in audio if your eyes get tired - and buy the entire collection of Jane Austen for 0.71p!!

Link to this post 28 Apr 11

I agree with you Chris. Whenever I'm getting ready for an African trip I load about 15 books on my Kindle to take with me. However, since mine is an old Kindle - not with colored pictures, I prefer my wildlife books in hard copy so I can see the color variations of the animals.

I just ordered the Kindle version of your book. I'll take my hard copy and give it to a friend in Africa and I'll still have the Kindle version that I can re-read whenever I want.

Do you have to download a book to your computer first and then transfer to Kindle or is Whispernet available in SA where you have it on the Kindle within one minute?

Link to this post 28 Apr 11

Jan Whispernet is available in all the major centres and wi-fi hotspots here in SA. Wherever there is a 3G signal we have Kindle coverage.
Here in the Southern Cape near George, we just switch our Kindle on, click connect, and then click go to Kindle Store, where we download books in seconds. No service provider needed, no fuss. Our Kindle is the latest one with 3G connection built in - we do not have to connect to our computer.

Link to this post 28 Apr 11

I guess it is time for me to upgrade my Kindle. Although when I'm in the bush I doubt there would be 3G connectivity. Can't even use a computer there The Kindle has been the best gift I've ever received.

I'm so glad you have made your book available this way. I think a lot more people will now become aware of it.

You are here Forums General Information Books East Africa For the Love of Wildlife