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Update on wildlife in Tsavo - 4-17-11

You are here: Forums General Information Wildlife Topics Update on wildlife in Tsavo - 4-17-11

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Update on wildlife in Tsavo - 4-17-11

Link to this post 17 Apr 11

Got a note this morning from Kat's and my friend Bobby. He states:

"My daughter and I came back yesterday from two days in Satao. Animal wise it was the best we had since long time. Mating Lion in front of Kocha, Cheetahs just on the road and Elephants in hundreds, 20 sleeping Giraffes and more Lion. It was just great. Also the weather was good. There were some showers around the friggen Hills and Voi up to Aruba but that was it. None at camp. We met Hank and had a few Tuskers together. He is still waiting for Linda and the rest of the party. I will see him again if they come down to the Coast for a few days."

Link to this post 17 Apr 11

Thanks, Jan, for posting Bobby's description of Satao Camp. It looks like great viewing for the tourists but tough times for the animals as there is again widespread drought across Kenya due to the failure, so far at least, of the Long Rains. I was there last year at this time and East Tsavo and Amboseli looked like the Okavango Delta there was so much water and good green grass for the animals. If the drought persists and the Long Rains fail - there will be a widespread die-off like two years ago which was really horrendous. I am hoping and praying for some more rain.

Link to this post 17 Apr 11

Let's hope the rain in the area is just delayed. Remember, they had no rains in November and December but had them in February instead (unusual for that area). As you say, let us hope they will get more in late April and May. Everything was lush there when I left in late February with plenty of food and water for them. I don't know if all the natural waterholes have dried out yet or not.

Keep your fingers crossed!

You are here Forums General Information Wildlife Topics Update on wildlife in Tsavo - 4-17-11