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Serving Lion Meat at a restaurants....

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Serving Lion Meat at a restaurants....

Link to this post 22 Jan 11

Anything for money..... I think we should ask our webmaster to set up a menu on the new website called "The idiots of the globe" or "Simply Dick"....

I am note sure what you all think but this is pretty sick and those who will walk into Mr Simply Dick's so called restaurant are under the same category as far as I am concerned! Serving lion steaks and meat!

Judge for yourselves - the name of the so called restaurants is Boca Tacos y Tequila

here are some links -
- Edited by Cody on 23.01.2011, 10:31 -

Link to this post 25 Jan 11

Threats keep Arizona eatery's lion tacos off menu

(AP) – 8 hours ago
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP)

An Arizona restaurant has decided to scrap plans to offer African lion meat in its tacos.

Bryan Mazon, the owner of Boca Tacos and Tequila, said Monday that his Tucson eatery has received "many threats" against the restaurant, family members, customers and vendors since he announced last week that he was taking prepaid orders for the exotic tacos.

Boca planned to start serving the lion tacos Feb. 16 at a cost of $8.75 apiece.

Mazon says his restaurant received orders from people around the world. The eatery already has served up python, alligator, elk, kangaroo, rattlesnake, oysters, turtle, duck and frog legs in its tacos.

Mazon says he'll continue to bring unique menu items to the Tucson community and his customers, but not at the expense of safety.

Article at:

Link to this post 25 Jan 11

That is a start - now I wonder if Jan went over there and had a word with that old chap???

Link to this post 26 Jan 11

If it had been closer I would have. I'd also try to explain to him that lions are almost extinct and
that by serving it he is indirectly causing more lions to die.

Most people here don't have a clue that in order to get their ivory carvings or lion meat an animal has been slaughtered to do so. They've heard so often from the southern African countries that the ivory is from
elephants who died a natural death or that the tusks were broken in a fight that they believe this garbage. They don't relate it to a hunter/poacher killing the animal for their chop sticks, hankos or carvings.

Glad the activists were strong enough to make this resteranteur think twice about it.

Link to this post 27 Jan 11

Its is called ignorance... Perhaps they are useless in the kitchen so they have to try anything to make a name to do business!!

You are here Forums General Information International Wildlife Topics Serving Lion Meat at a restaurants....