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Link to this post 31 Dec 09

Ciao -

I found this quite interesting as being a "hotel" owner - I also have the odd problems when guests have to leave.
My bookings are done on a weekly basis from Saturday to Saturday during the medium and high season and we ask our guests to leave the accommodation by 10am. However some leave at 8am and some ask to leave around 11 to 12pm. As Jan stated - we need to turn the whole complex around by afternoon as all arrivals start coming around 3 to 6pm and when people have had long flights or drives - they do not want to arrive and have to wait. They want to be checked in, wash up and rest.
I know the feeling as I deal with this in my business - however said that, we do not charge between 400 to 600 US Dollars per night....
If we did charge such figures I would have to work round a request from a client if they wish to stay on after lunch. Paying such large amounts means service and to pay such high prices - you cannot ask your guest to leave by 10.00 - no way!

Link to this post 02 Jan 10

Cody - you have the attitude the camp owners had in the earlier days!

There is both - Safari Link as well as Air Kenya flying a 16.00hrs service from the Massai Mara to Wilson. For years now. This service is in place because people don't want to leave for Nairobi in the morning and stay killing time in Nairobi until their late evening/early morning departure for Europe or the USoA.

Day room in Nairobi means vacating the room at 1800hrs - which doesn't serve the purpose either.

I know from our own experiences as well as clients: The last day on safari they expect to stay until the afternoon airline service.

And of course late check out is well know to the camps as we alwqays book the flights via the camp or, if done by ourselves, we inform the camp on all perferentials - not only the late departure.

As said - this was custom till 2009.

I guess one very clever camp owner came up with the idea to get rid (jes - rid, I see it that way!) of clients.

All erguments: staff, provisions, car limitations for transfers etc. - not in our books as long as people must pay those bed nights.
Not to mention when one flies in in the afternoon, gets "exclusive use of vehicle" for 300+US$ per day and must leave at 09.00hrs.

Ah - I forgot I think to say: IF camps allow for late departures they charge 25% of the rate per person for that late departure! It's not that guests can have the tent until late. They vacate the tent at 1000hrs and sit in the messtent or lounge. Then they pay for the extra lunch which is of course acceptable. But 25% of 500/600US$pppn makes 250 - 300US$ for a couple for just using the chair. No shower no nothing else!
Also availability of cars is no argument here as these camps offer "exclusive use of car" for 300+ US$ per day! Having one car available for transfers shouldn't be too much to expect at that range.


I got one argument which brought me down in tears for laughing:

"We want our clients to experience the most exclusive service. Therefore we ask them to leave in the morning and we happily book excursion for them in Nairobi for that day - or even a day room if they wish" -on client's expenses of course.

Hey - we can do that ourselves and - don't think there are people that stupid to not realise who's service is meant here.

Link to this post 03 Jan 10

That is really taking the Mickey out of the clients.
What amazes me is that these places work and they are packed.

To ask to pay extra for a late departure.... I would not have the guts to ask something like that. In Europe you will get cut out of business the day you start something like that.
However - I do not get the very rich that pay such large amounts. 500 to 600 pppday - whow..... Kipper I could finally pickup lady Kipper at the airport with a hand made British Roller.... however for now I guess FIAT will do....

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