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Elephants for Jan! IR Video of elephants

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Elephants for Jan! IR Video of elephants

Link to this post 06 Oct 09

Here is the first Infra Red Video from Zimbabwe.

This is elephants at night, two camers used one was "Stolen" by the Ellies for football. I just wish the batteries had stayed in longer or it had stayed facing up for longer!

[URL=]Elephants at the night![/URL]

& please rate, Good or Bad!

Link to this post 06 Oct 09

Absolutely fantastic - well done and great music to go with the film!
It would have been good looking at the film to have had another camera at a different angle to see the ellies "steeling" the camera and playing with it.
I know I am being OTT but would have been interesting...!

Link to this post 06 Oct 09

Thanks Cody, as for the music I try to be different than "Hey up boy! Ha-whimo-way! Ha-whimo-way" Or Toto!

I collect odd ball music never knowing when I'll use them!

Link to this post 07 Oct 09

Rated as very good !

Link to this post 07 Oct 09

Excellent video Kipper. Really enjoyed it. You might even be lucky enough to have the camera observe births occasionally since most of them occur at night.

I too loved the music.

Link to this post 07 Oct 09

I also liked the video very much! I must say I am really impressed by the quality!

And YES - the music is special as well!

Kipper - are you thinking of a late career here?

I am wondering whether you can only do such cam job in a very intimate small camp.

Wpuld it work in a camp which is let's say more "commercial" where you don't know the people because it has 12 tents? And what about the Askari.

I am thinking of asking an Askari then to take care of the cam during night shift. What you think?

Kipper - I must have such a thing. Get the order form ready and don't even think of giving Cody any commission ;.)

You are here Forums General Information Movies/Videos of East Africa Elephants for Jan! IR Video of elephants